Ακυβέρνητο πλέει το Norman Atlantic,προς Αλβανία,σε πολύ δυσμενείς καιρικές συνθήκες

425 μέχρι στιγμής οι διασωθέντες συν 10 νεκροί.

Πόσος χρόνος μεσολάβησε από τη στιγμή που ξεκίνησε η φωτιά μέχρι την ώρα του May Day;

Το σήμα κινδύνου
Claudio Tadicini @ClaudioTadicini
Incendio sulla , terrore in mare tra Otranto e Corfù - Ascolta il "" dalla nave http://www.corrieresalentino.it/2014/12/incendio-su-un-traghetto-terrore-in-mare-tra-otranto-e-corfu-ascolta-il-mayday-dalla-nave/  via @CSalentino

Le persone tratte in salvo salgono a 175. Proseguono le operazioni di soccorso.
Via : "emergency lighting, batteries & switches missing, fire doors/openings malfunctioning"

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52 seconds ago ?? reply ?? retweet ?? favorite
Tο σήμα κινδύνου Mayday μεταδόθηκε 05.47 ώρα Ελλάδος.@MVarvitsiotis ποιά η ακριβής χρονολογική αντίδραση των ελληνικών αρχών;#NormanAtlantic
52 seconds ago ?? reply ?? retweet ?? favorite
 RT @chrisfas61 Ρεπόρτερ του μέγκα για τον νεκρό του #NormanAtlantic: "Φόβοι ότι είναι Έλληνας". Μόνο αυτό; Υπάρχει σοβαρό ενδεχόμενο να είναι και άνθρωπος.
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  1. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by Michele troisi
  2. the deficiencies of at a recent inspection at the port of patras pic.twitter.com/CNCQRw8tb6 via @Io_Inachou
    Retweeted by Donna Chisciotte
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  1. Il lancio del mayday Sos distress registrato da un radioamatore pugliese [AUDIO] http://larep.it/1rtbYDb 
    Retweeted by elalege
  2. Δεν το βλεπω να παιρνει 11 οσκαρ,τζαμπα κοπος
  3. Tristi coloro che usano questa tragedia in corso per fare le solite polemiche politiche, vergognatevi
  4. attenzione: s'è svegliato anche Angelino, che folla nell' alarmtweet
    Retweeted by Revolution
  5. Sono in contatto con il ministro albanese Saimir Tahiri. Albania pronta per fronteggiare ogni situazione e per accoglienza.
    Retweeted by Laura Peyretti
  6. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by LucaMare
  7. Rt @ItalianNavy operano in Aerea i seguenti mezzi navali 1 motovedetta Classe 300 @guardiacostiera e 1 motovedetta Albanese
  8. Despite all the progress, we still loose airplanes and are unable to rescue people from a burning ship. :(
  9. prima vittima accertata. Due feriti, diversi bimbi ricoverati in ipotermia a Lecce. Traghetto agganciato da un rimorchiatore
  10. Ispezione su , problemi su porte taglia-fuoco http://ow.ly/Gvqmq  pic.twitter.com/SbD5D17A12
    Retweeted by Frank Bart
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  11. TT ITALIA 17:54 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.Cappy
    Retweeted by «e i g h t e e n.»
  12. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by Tiziana Cantarelli
  13. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by ChiefJoseph
  14. MT "@nomfup: Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore"
    Retweeted by GiovaniPerRenzi
  15. Μακαρι να πανε ολα καλα και να μην υπαρξουν αλλοι νεκροι μονο αυτο εχει σημασια και αφηστε τα αλλα
    Retweeted by Susanna SK
  16. 1 dead, 2 injuries.. Evacuation operation to continue all night. Check Updates with KTG live blog http://bit.ly/1tqKvDn 
  17. RT @NdGrecia: : I nomi dei passeggeri e dell'equipaggio - Greek Coast Guard - http://hcg.gr/sites/default/files/article/attach/%20NORMAN%20ATLANTIC.pdf 
    Retweeted by Naskens
  18. RT @NdGrecia: : I nomi dei passeggeri e dell'equipaggio - Greek Coast Guard - http://hcg.gr/sites/default/files/article/attach/%20NORMAN%20ATLANTIC.pdf 
    Retweeted by Lorenzo Itlodeo
  19. Είναι τεραστια τρολ στον Ant1. Δεν εξηγείται αλλιώς ότι αυτή την ωρα παίζει η Αλίκη στο Ναυτικό!
  20. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by Mauro Ferri
  21. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by Grazia Amelia
  22. "@nomfup: Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore ottima notizia
  23. - “Qui bruciamo, nessuno è in grado di salvarci" http://ow.ly/Gvm7X  di @CarmineFesta pic.twitter.com/KwLr6dwhIs
    Retweeted by VALERIO ARATRO
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  24. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
    Retweeted by cristina cucciniello
  25. Norman Atlantic: Τι δήλωσε η γυναίκα του καπετάνιου http://bit.ly/1tbupaU  pic.twitter.com/0YIJxaUNiH
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  26. το πλοίο θα ρυμουλκηθεί μάλλον Αλβανία. Έτοιμο "ιπτάμενο στρατιωτικό νοσοκομείο" να μεταφερθει οπου δει από Πίζα
  27. De Italiaanse is momenteel met een helikopter/vliegtuig boven de rampplek aanwezig. pic.twitter.com/6kG5DnhR9n
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  28. With foreign affairs ministry following closely rescue. Identifying national reported to be on board -JM
    Retweeted by Etienne St.John
  29. MT "@nomfup: Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore"
  30. At Least 1 Dead In Greek Ferry Disaster, Italian Official Reports http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/28/greek-ferry-deaths_n_6387036.html?utm_hp_ref=greece 
    Retweeted by DieterKipp
  31. Ένας νεκρός-και μακάρι ο τελευταίος-στο ναυτικό δυστύχημα του
    Retweeted by die_die_my_darling
  32. Confermato aggancio da parte di rimorchiatore
  33. Ο Σαμαράς χώρισε στα δύο τη θάλασσα & οι επιβάτες γλίτωσαν απ' τον στρατό του Φαραό pic.twitter.com/NyUjk070bs
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  34. TT ITALIA 17:54 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.Cappy
  35. De Italiaanse marine zegt nu: 161 mensen gered van de , 317 mensen zijn nog aan boord.
    Retweeted by liselot thomassen
  36. La Grecia svela le prime pecche della .Ispezione rivelò irregolarità alle porte tagliafuoco.
    Retweeted by Marcello
  37. Σου κλεινουν το μαγαζί αν βρουν τασάκι και αφηνουν καράβι να ταξιδέψει με τόσα προβλήματα.
  38. RT @STForeignDesk: Passengers plead for help aboard burning ferry with 478 onboard http://bit.ly/1JW7aw8 
    Retweeted by Anna Scott
  39. В списках пассажиров горящего парома значатся двое россиян http://tass.ru/proisshestviya/1676822 
  40. un morto: arriva in Puglia donna con il corpo del marito. Ancora 317 passeggeri a bordo http://larep.it/1rsxXKj 
  41. - “Mancanze in materia di sicurezza e soccorso” http://ow.ly/Gvoze  di @fabiopozzo pic.twitter.com/OjHsv5npyW
    Retweeted by Marcello
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  42. Non posso fare a meno di ricordare la sorpresa avuta la scorsa estate nel notare gli anni luce che.. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10152903726720199&id=194555390198 
  43. C'è una vittima. In salvo 131 passeggeri. A bordo 22 italiani IL PUNTO http://ow.ly/Gvmz7  pic.twitter.com/1LXmOBYeyW
    Retweeted by Franck Gaerel
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  44. Aerial footage of burning ferry with huge smoke plume http://fb.me/2DQXV821k 
    Retweeted by Ηγουμενίτζα
  45. Istituita Unità di crisi presso Prefettura di Brindisi
    Retweeted by maria allegra
  46. Appena 13 ore dopo il lancio dell'SOS: "@andreaarma: , istituita unita' di crisi presso la Prefettura di Brindisi"
    Retweeted by VALERIO ARATRO
  47. @repubblicait nuoto verso riva con 1 solo braccio perché con l'altro tengo il cell fuori dall'acqua e vi rispondo
    Retweeted by ilvecchioHolden
  48. Dopo ore di tentativi, il rimorchiatore Marietta Barretta è riuscito ad agganciare la prua del . http://shar.es/1HrPPe 
  49. One person dies as a result of ferry fire, Greek officials say http://bbc.in/1BhclRf 
    Retweeted by Quantum Sheep
  50. Ogni ora dalle 11 aggiornamenti ufficiali sulla situazione del e sull'incidente ulteriore a largo di Ravenna (nave turca)
    Retweeted by Gabriella Proja
  51. Ένας νεκρός-και μακάρι ο τελευταίος-στο ναυτικό δυστύχημα του
  52. Απο τα 12 Super Puma που έχουμε, επιχειρούν για την διάσωση των επιβατών μόνο τα 2! pic.twitter.com/tG9x0nNIGR
    Retweeted by enK
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  53. Telefonata con Min Difesa Albania, che ha inviato nave ed ha pre allertato porti per eventuali soccorsi
    Retweeted by Vincenzo Michelini
  54. Istituita Unità di crisi presso Prefettura di Brindisi
    Retweeted by Benedetto Gerbasio
  55. το μονο σιγουρο με το ειναι οτι ειχε ελλειπη μετρα ασφαλειας, 14 ωρες αργοτερα και δεν εχουν διασωθει ουτε οι μισοι.
  56. RTTmobile_'s avatar

 Het @ItalianNavy marineschip San Giorgio arriveert rond 18u bij de #NormanAtlantic in de Adriatische   Zee pic.twitter.com/V1cBW5Oeay
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Dim_Zaharakis's avatar
  RT @Dim_Zaharakis ΙΔΟΥ το ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΟ:Το Norman Atlantic είχε εντοπιστεί με πρόβληματα στην Πάτρα, πριν 10 μέρες #normanatlantic olympia.gr/2014/12/28/%CE…

  1. la poppa della nave è completamente invasa dal fumo dell'incendio, comunque il cavo a poppa è stato posizionato.Bravissimi
    Retweeted by giovanna nuvoletti
  2. Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/qIb6b2wq6L
    Retweeted by silversigner
  3. Naufraghi che rischiano la pelle. Soccorritori che rischiano la pelle. E @_DAGOSPIA_ che fa sciacallaggio. Vergogna.
    Retweeted by Sergio Magugliani
  4. Η λίστα των επιβατών του http://www.thetoc.gr/images/articles/1/article_52894/%CE%9B%CE%99%CE%A3%CE%A4%CE%91+NORMAN+ATLANTIC.pdf 

  1. Μόλις μου το είπαν: Μόνο 2 Ε/Π Super Puma πήγαν στο επειδή τα άλλα δεν διαθέτουν hoist (για να ανεβάζουν ανθρώπους)
    Retweeted by Pan Kar
  2. It's hard to know that something like that happens in the world. I'll say a prayer for them.
    Retweeted by Helen

  1. Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/qIb6b2wq6L
    Retweeted by Roger
  2. , carrying 222 vehicles, 411 passengers and 55 crew. People are evacuated. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/247277400  pic.twitter.com/Lf5YDqFxiF
    Retweeted by S. Al-Ma'ida
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  3. Πέρα από τ 5 πλοία που βρίσκονται εκεί χωρίς ν μπορούν ν βοηθήσουν,δείτε πόσο μακριά είναι τα άλλα https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/zoom:10/shipid:280335/mmsi:247277400/centerx:19.016/centery:40.6582 
    Retweeted by *YOTTA*
  4. All'Eur si legge: "Un popolo di eroi, santi, poeti, artisti e navigatori". Sul navigatori avrei qualche dubbio
  5. Non ci posso credere. pic.twitter.com/Kw2xDDZbrG
    Retweeted by Flavio Fla
  6. A proposito di Giornalismo. pic.twitter.com/aZM43PyLQ9
    Retweeted by Paolo Montani
  7. earlier! pic.twitter.com/35oKBpPKL2
    Retweeted by Johnny Mc Garvey
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  8. Please, let there be a happy ending!
  9. A proposito di Giornalismo. pic.twitter.com/aZM43PyLQ9
    Retweeted by MATTEO ANDRESINI
  10. Io quel traghetto l'ho preso nel 2009, già allora era messo male
    Retweeted by FedeleAmico
  11. Ma perché oltre alla gravissima situazione si deve assistere anche a questo? pic.twitter.com/Q2f7bD6dW0
    Retweeted by Fiorella Taddeo

  12. 300 Menschen an Bord der „Norman Atlantic“ gefangen. Schiff droht zu sinken. http://on.bild.de/1xq6uZh  pic.twitter.com/aWb9c4DQJp
    Retweeted by Doreen Künzl
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  13. - Soccorsi difficili per le 521 persone a bordo http://ow.ly/Gv1ER  di @DaLanni pic.twitter.com/4mxkll2GeT
    Retweeted by crocket-milano
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  14. Update: Strong winds are stopping rescuers from getting close.Difficult conditions for pic.twitter.com/FVvd31WWf2
    Retweeted by Koutsiafti Vana
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  15. A proposito di Giornalismo. pic.twitter.com/aZM43PyLQ9
    Retweeted by Grazia Amelia
  16. Πενήντα έξι επιβάτες έχουν διασωθεί έως τώρα από το http://www.mediasoup.gr/node/99191  http://fb.me/1wiiV1YyN 
  17. Seguire @ItalianNavy @robertapinotti @andreaarma per aggiornamenti su situazione
    Retweeted by Marco Agnoletti
  18. Το κι άλλες παρόμοιες τραγωδίες θα γίνουν ρουτίνα από αύριο που δεν θα ψηφιστεί ΠτΔ. Να φυλάξετε τα καλά τουίτ για αργότερα.
  19. the list of positions recorded for the specific vessel https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/index/positions/all/shipid:280335/mmsi:247277400/shipname:NORMAN%20ATLANTIC 
  20. Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/qIb6b2wq6L
    Retweeted by Marc Jäger
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  21. K for Kanaris RT@eythyavlos Νέες αποκλειστικές φωτογραφίες του μετέδωσε η . pic.twitter.com/WbfypPWEN8
    Retweeted by Zaharakis Dimitris
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  22. Seguire @ItalianNavy @robertapinotti @andreaarma per aggiornamenti su situazione
    Retweeted by Valeria Montanari
  23. BBCBreaking: Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds... http://bit.ly/1ExDjtE 
    Retweeted by Siripala Bot
  24. BBCBreaking: Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds... http://bit.ly/1ExDjtE 
  25. per aggiornamentu su seguite @ItalianNavy
    Retweeted by casa mia
  26. RT @TilmannKk: hat gebeten Schiffe zur Verfügung zu stellen und Häfen vorzubereiten.
    Retweeted by tanteirmi
  27. Greek, Italian & Albanian authorities for rescue, strong winds, heavy seas & cold temperatures. pic.twitter.com/vdGP1r9R7R
    Retweeted by Loretta
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  28. Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/qIb6b2wq6L
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  29. Seguire @ItalianNavy @robertapinotti @andreaarma per aggiornamenti su situazione
    Retweeted by Chiara Amélie Meazza
  30. il ministro della difesa albanese offre a ministro Pinotti disponibilità dei porti albanesi per ospitare il traghetto.
    Retweeted by Lorenzo Pavoncello
  31. A proposito di Giornalismo. pic.twitter.com/aZM43PyLQ9
  32. Griech. Streitkraft hat f. mobilisiert 2SuperPuma, 3 AB205, 2 S70, 2 NH90, 2 CH47DChinook,1Fregatte pic.twitter.com/AwaHlWesMw
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  33. Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/qIb6b2wq6L
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  34. ;;
  35. Τα ιταλικά ελικόπτερα διασώζουν ενώ εμείς στείλαμε C130; Οι Ιταλοί Συριζαίοι το κάνουν για να εκθέσουν τον Σαμαρά.
    Retweeted by katyPyrgodespoina
  36. Scary! Evacuation of stranded Greek ferry the taking place in gale-force winds http://bbc.in/1BhclRf  pic.twitter.com/9lb9fSyXSv
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